This guide will provide an overview and basic use of each of the technologies available in The Shed Labrador, Inc. Makerspace. As technologies are added to the Makerspace the guide will be updated. Before using the Makerspace please review and sign the Usage Agreement.
While in the Makerspace please ensure you:
- identify where the first aid kit and fire extinguishers are located.
- review the Safety Guidelines for each machine.
- exercise caution when using anything sharp or hot in the space.
- are cautious of your surroundings.
- inform a staff member if something doesn't work. If you know how to fix the problem, fix it with the staff member, but you should not attempt to repair the equipment.
- place the cover on sharp objects when not in use.
- are respectful of the space, equipment, materials, other users, and facilitators/staff who may be assisting.
- clean up after use.
- ask questions and view the information within this guide if you are unsure about any equipment in the space.
Most importantly, we hope you enjoy your experience and are inspired to create and innovate!