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Welcome, Kids!

A one-stop-shop for our youngest patrons to learn about all the great benefits of being a library member!

The teens are alright!

Most libraries have a young adult collection, and some even have designated teen spaces. Ask your librarian for the whereabouts of the YA in your branch. If there is a book that you would like to read that is not in your branch, let your librarian know and they will get it in for you. 

For sensitive non-fiction topics, check out the poster below. These are the location numbers of where you can find the below topics in any library non-fiction collection. Click on the image to get to our catalogue. 

Image of poster; Dear Teens, help yoursel. Check out these call nymbers for helpful topics in our non-fiction section. Abuse Incest 362.7 - abusive relationships 362.8 -  acne skin care 616.5 and 646.7 - AIDS HIV 616.9 - alcohol 362.2 - anoriexia 616.8 - birth control 363.9 and 613.9 - body changes and puberty 612.6 - body image 306.4 and 616.8 - date rape 362.8 - divorce 306.8 - drugs 362.2 - health hygiene 613.0 and 613.7 - LGBTQIIA 306.7 and 613.9 - mental health 616.8 - pregnancy 306.8 and 618.20 - relationship dating 305.2 and 306.7 and 646.7 - self-esteem 305.2- sex 613.9 - STDs 616.9 - suicide 362.2