The oldest and largest fact-checking website (operating since 1994), Snopes is a well-known and respected for its evidence-based research and contextualization of articles.
Ad Fontes Media
It's name meaning "to the source" in Latin, this company rates new content for bias and reliability. They are also the creators of the Media Bias Chart (see "Fake News and Journalism").
A project by the Annenburg Public Policy Center, their mission is to reduce the amount of misinformation and confusion related to U.S. politics.
A national media watch group since 1984, their mission is to scrutinize modern media practices and advocate for journalists and diversity in media.
Started in 2007, this website looks at statements made by politicians and rates them for accuracy with their own Truth-o-Meter.
A national media watch group since 1984, their mission is to scrutinize modern media practices and advocate for journalists and diversity in media.
First Draft
A non-profit coalition, their mission is to protect communities from misinformation through empowering them with knowledge and tools to understand fake news.
A non-profit charitable organization devoted to helping Canadians develop critical thinking skills to engage with media.
News Literacy Project
A national non-profit that provides programs and resources so people can learn to become active and smart news consumers.
Stony Brook University School of Journalism - Center for News Literacy
Curriculum and resources developed by Stony Brook University's School of Journalism to help students develop their critical thinking skills and learn to evaluate information.
Center for News Literacy - GetNewsSmart
An online prep course to provide students with a clear understanding of the main concepts of news literacy.
Digital Skills Courses - ABC Skills Hub
A curriculum developed by ABC Life Literacy to help users improve their digital literacy skills.
Civic Online Reasoning
A curriculum developed by the Stanford History Education Group (SHEG) to teach people how "to effectively search for, evaluate, and verify social and political information online."