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DLEP Laptop and iPad Kits

NLPL's Laptop and iPad Kits

Check Out NL Public Libraries' Laptop and iPad Kits for Your Tech Needs!

1. Check our selected locations found below

2. Visit one of our selected locations

3. Borrow a kit for in-library use for up to 2 hours with your library card (ages 13+)

*Please Note: Laptops and iPads are restarted after each use to ensure patron data and privacy are protected

Kit Locations

A.C. Hunter Public Library Both a Laptop Kit and iPad Kit
A.C. Hunter Public Library-Children's Floor
iPad Kit
Marjorie Mews Public Library Both a Laptop Kit and iPad Kit
Michael Donovan Public Library Both a Laptop Kit and iPad Kit

Thank You

Our expanded digital resources are available to everyone in the province as a result of an investment by the Government of Canada’s Digital Literacy Exchange Program.